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Surname List

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Top 50 surnames (total individuals):

Martherus (542)
Punselie (395)
Monteiro (245)
Geenen (141)
Mess (122)
BALEN (113)
van Osta (59)
Thomas (51)
Goodridge (48)
Schaddelee (47)
van Laer (45)
van Gerwen (43)
van de Venne (39)
van Gerrevink (39)
te Winkel (38)
van Dijk (37)
Benjamins (36)
Busch (36)
Vermaat (36)
LAUNY (35)
Ploos (35)
van Leeuwen (35)
Johan (33)
van Gogh (33)
Beijer (32)
Pater (32)
Muntinghe (30)
Roobol (30)
van Bourgondië (29)
de Jong (28)
Elema (28)
Müller (28)
Salfischberger (28)
van Oosterwijk (27)
de Booser (25)
de Molyneux (25)
Matheron (25)
van Asten (25)
van Saksen (25)
van Lotharingen (24)
Alden (23)
England (23)
Lesier (23)
van Wessex (23)
Arathoon (22)
Behouden (22)
Portenius (22)
van Schotland (22)
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Top 10 surnames
(among all names)

Just the top 10